Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Photo bombing Oscar style

 I was going to do a post on all the outfits I loved and disliked
but I figured
There would be a lot of those
I decided instead that I would share some of my favorite pictures of the evening

I love a good photo bomb
Like it even more when a celebrity is doing it
Just nice to seem them having fun

Jessie Ferguson
You crack me up
The effort you took to make this happen
Gold star to you for effort my friend


Joseph Gordon-Levitt
I love this man
So feel free to photo bomb me anytime


Kyle Maclachlan
I adored you in Twin Peaks
Then Show Girls happened
This picture from some Oscar Party, red carpet 
Has redeemed you

Last but not least
My favorite photo of the night
(sorry if it offends)

Jennifer Lawrence
Lets just say
If I looked this good and just won an Oscar
I would probably be giving you the finger too


The week is half over my friends!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Do you hear the people sing...yes sadly that was about all I heard

I was up way too late last night
Then when I finally was ready to sleep
Guess what?
I could not
Does that not drive you insane 
When it happens

Those darn Oscars
Running so late 
Was not surprised though
Since the opening went on forever....

Seth MacFarlane
I had such high hopes
Sadly for the most part you let me down
You gave me a few laughs
Not nearly as many as I wanted
Do you know what saved you as host
That devilish little smile of yours
That little twinkle in your eye
Knowing that there was something you wanted to say but didn't
I wish you had
I think the night would might have been better

There was A LOT of singing
It did kinda feel like the Tony Awards
I did not mind the signing
It just felt kind of all over the place
How the Best Original Songs were introduced
Am I the only one who felt this?
I was not surprised by any of the winners
I will say this
Mr. Affleck
I have never been a big fan
But your growing on me 
I look forward to your future endeavors

As far as the Oscar fashions
That I will leave for another day

What were your overall thoughts of the night?

Sunday, February 24, 2013 day?

Fun Day
More like catch up day for me
At least this week
I helped the mom move
Will still be moving her this week
My legs and arms are very sore
Just a very small amount of boxes that I moved
The kid had a lacrosse practice 
(that was not planned)
Did get the season schedule
As well as days of practice
Needless to say my evenings and Saturdays
Now belong to all things lacrosse
Makes the kid smile though
Luv this Kid
I did find a bit of me time
Wandered around Barnes & Noble
Drink in hand
Great late afternoon treat
Happiness in a cup
It is now Sunday evening
 I have laundry washing
Dishes are done
Mopping is done
Kid is happy and clean
So now I'm catching up on my blog reading
And blog writing
Mainly though
I am gearing up for all the red carpet madness for the Oscars
Loving every minute so far
 Kinda can't wait to see what Seth MacFarlane
Gets away it


Friday, February 22, 2013

It's a letter kind of F.R.I.D.A.Y

Oh thank goodness
Another Friday has arrived
Even though this weekend will be busy
And the weather not that great
I will take it

 My mother is moving into a 1 bedroom apartment
She has been living in a darling little studio for about 4 years now
She was on a waiting list
But finally her time has come
I know she is thrilled to have an actually bedroom again
So goodbye dorm like living
Welcome back to adult living
Only downside
I get to help moving
I hate the process of moving
I have done it far too many times

For Spring
February has been up and down 
In the weather department
I am ready for green to come back
Windows to be opened
Spring cleaning sounds like a joy to me right now
So winter please 
Say your goodbyes

Should be good
Sometimes they are not
I think I need to listen more
Not give my two cents
(even when asked)
Smile and nod

That is what I felt I was doing in my closet this week
So basically this means
A clean out is in order 
I do not have the time do go digging every morning for clothes
Nor do I plan on getting up earlier to do so
Some purging will be happening
Hopefully it will all get done this weekend
Or at least started

I  recently read
2 books that love was a prominent player
One involved a dysfunctional love 
Another a heartbreaking love
Both I enjoyed very much
Don't want to say much more
Check them out though
Mine is fading
Ok, it has been for awhile sadly
The other day I saw those little eye lines
This did not make me happy
I get we age, we get wrinkles
I do get to whine about it
(if only for a minute)
What (inexpensive) eye creams would you reccomend? 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

When Spooning Goes Wrong

I left work early Friday 
The Kid had an appointment
The plan was I would meet her at the bus stop
Then book it to the appointment to get there by 330
That was the plan
It did not happen

What did happen
A few phone calls 
A bunch of confusion
And one really annoyed mom
By the end of it all

As I was saying my good-byes at work
My cell phone goes off
It is the Kid calling me 
(at this moment I think I knew the plans were out the window)
I could barely hear the Kid
I could tell she is on the bus by the all the noise
All I understood is that she was going to be late
Something happened on the bus
Cops are being called
And that it involved a 
Yes, I just said spoon

I tell her I will meet her at the bus stop
Now in the 5 minutes it takes me to get home
I get another call from the Kid father
He is now heading to the school
The Kid called him 
He informs me the bus is turning around and heading back to the school
Dad is now en route to the school as well to figure what heck is going on
(Sometimes, OK most of the time the Kid doesn't explain things well)

So I pull up to our home
Call the Doctor's office to let them know I might be late
They want to know how late
At this point I don't know 
I estimate no later then 4pm
I'm put on hold

Then I get a text from the Kid
"Do not come to the school"
Um, to late your Dad is on his way
So I try to get in touch with him

The office finally gets back on the line
I will need to reschedule
But I understand.

Kid texts me again
"Bus turned around.On our way home.Be there in a few minutes"
Of course! 
I call her Dad to let him know

2 minutes later
The Kid is home
It is 325pm

So what happened?
Middle school students
Being Middle school students
A little to loud for a Friday afternoon
 Plus a substitute bus driver
Gummy bears being thrown
Then it escalated to the heinous crime 
The crime that got the Cops called

Someone on the bus pulled out a
 And threw it

This is why my Friday afternoon plans did not happen
All because of a freaking plastic spoon.

Let me end this by saying
I respect school bus drivers
I know it is a job that I could never do
I think there are some bus drivers out there who should not be driving
If your calling the Cops over a fight or and accident I get it
but over plastic ware?!?!

Am I wrong for being annoyed by this?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Let Them Eat Cake

Why does the weekend go by so quick?!
I even had an extra day this weekend

I did my best to sleep in this weekend 
Failed daily

I did take part of my weekend on Saturday
For some retail therapy
 I did not buy anything for myself 
Just a couple of candles
 The Kid made out though 
It is fun right now shopping with her
Her style is coming out
Helps that we don't have arguments over her choices
I will enjoy this moment while it lasts ,ha ha

I cleaned 
It needed to be tackled
I had people coming over on Monday

I had applied at House Party*
check it out  
 To host an Adventure Time  Fiona and The Cake Party
I figured I would take the day off 
And allow the Kid to play hostess to some of her friends
It was a good time all around
I  made a cake
I don't bake often
So I was very proud of myself
Everyone said it was tasty

10 Kids
In my not so big living room
It was loud
But worth it 

As the Kid's Grandma always says
"It is about making memories"

*I was not paid for hosting a party for the House Party site.I've had good experiences both times I have participated with them.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The day I was productiv...oooh look at that

I should be cleaning
I NEED to be cleaning
I just cant stay
I get side tracked
Like this is a good blog idea
Let me put this broom down
Not productive at all

I will get back on track 
If for the only reason
I have people coming over on Monday
So things some things need to be moved 
Out of harms way

Oh you know what else I  don't think is gonna get a proper finish 
This post
I need to go to the store as well

So much for cleaning and Blog posts


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cupid do you do dishes?

Happy Valentine's Day
To those who like to celebrate the loves in their lives

I've never been huge on the day
I'm not going to rain down on someone Else's parade

I don't want flowers
Sparkly things
Or even
I would be happy 
If someone
Did my dishes
Folded my laundry
 I am serious
Those 2 things
Done for me
Would probably 
Make me tear up

I did pick up 
A little something
For the Kid

Enjoy whatever special things you (might) receive today!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Thanks CBS for making my Grammy experience a little less fun

So can I ask why side boob is not OK
Cleavage is?
(As long as it is not cleavage of the buttocks region)

I think Miranda Lambert said it well,

"No puffy skin.I don't even know what that is.I kinda think I broke that rule."
If this is what puffy skin means,sign me up

The viewers watch these shows to see what people will wear
Did CBS not get that memo
OK we watch for the awards too
We are talking about the clothes the next day

I think CBS need to relax
Are they worried about complaints from viewers
You have some shows that make far more risque comments
2 and 1/2 Men, 2 Broke Girls
And you know what 
I watch them and laugh
Or change the channel

So thank you CBS 
For shielding my eyes 
From the side boob,puffy skin and whatever other things you felt I did not need to see
Kinda felt like you sent this memo on purpose
(and leaked it)
You probably had your viewership increased a bit 
By people watching to see if anyone broke the rules
 Oh well
The Oscars are coming up

The one comment I will make is that there was some great music going on last night
That is the one area of the Grammys that did not disappoint
FUN. Looking like they are having fun.He is so dorky looking but I luv him.

What are your views about the memo?
Was it just me?


Friday, February 8, 2013

Kinda hard to take a storm serious when it sounds like a Disney Attraction

I might kid about this winter storm's name
Those silly weather people named it Nemo

I live in the Northeast so snow is a given
Granted the last few years 
Have been good to us

But Ladies and Gentlemen
Mother Nature is gearing up to make trouble in my neighborhood
I live in that lovely area of 18"-24"
Not looking forward to shoveling that
The one positive
This will be mainly a weekend storm
So come the end of my shift 
 I can go home and close the door
Snuggle with the Kid and watch some movies
Hopefully we do not lose power
But things are charging as I type this
Just in case

So to all those out there
In those lovely colored areas of the map above
What are your plans for hiding form Nemo?


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Just another day of the week

You are an odd day
You are the middle of the work week
So depending on the type of person you are 
You are either loathing the fact that it it only Wednesday
Or doing a small happy dance knowing the work week is half over

This particular Wednesday is a busy one for my house
(honestly we have had things going on every night so far this week)
The Kid has basketball practice this evening 
But even before that she has Chess Club after school
Hoping that the homework is light 
Because we also need to stop by a friend's house 
And wish one of my favorite little kids
A very Happy 7th Birthday

Feeling bad that I have had no time or money to run a get him something
My plan to make it up to him is to take him out 
Just him and I
And let him pick his gift 
Also sneak in some ice cream as well

Gonna  leave ya with this song
 Which I'm loving sooo much right now
I love a sappy love duet


Monday, February 4, 2013

Touchdowns and Angels

So by now we all know who won the Superbowl
Whether you care or not
I watched
But do you want to know what my favorite part was
(nope not half time)
It came after the game
When Chykie Brown of the Ravens
Laid down in all the confetti covering the field
And made a snow angel in it
The pure joy of the win
That was  my favorite moment of the Superbowl
I found a lovely little Pin
For a simple breakfast or afternoon snack
It was literally 4 ingredients

I only tweaked one of the ingredients
Instead of plain applesauce
I used cinnamon applesauce
I can't wait to try it different fruit toppings
I also think I will let it cook just a bit longer
So that I get a bit more of a crunchy edge
 Other than that I loved this
 This will be my new lazy Sunday breakfast from now on

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Getting down and dirty

I got all down and dirty this weekend
Oh get your mind out of the gutter
I cleaned the kitchen
I mean REALLY cleaned
Took everything out of the cupboards
Threw away anything outdated 
Grouped things together
Cleaned out the junk drawer
It was tedious
Hated every minute of it
I now have a clean organized kitchen
(well except for the fridge)

A very busy day
Up and running
Earlier then I would have liked
My own fault
Forgot to pick up something the Kid needed for the day

Inhaled x2

Then off
To register the Kid for Lacrosse
Boy is my wallet crying
Its her first time trying this sport
If the smile on her face after practicing for 2hrs
Is any indication
I think I better get used to my wallet's tears
Horrible pictures but I'm sure Ill make up for it during the season

It was then a small rest
Then off and running again
Not far though
Just down the road for a little Super Bowl get together
We ate too much stuff
We laughed
We all shook our heads at what was happening on the field 
Then it was half time

I know I might get some flack for this comment
Am I the only one who could really care less about Beyonce
She is a great performer but lets just say I'm more of a Coke person
Now if her man was up on that stage  that would be a half time show


Weird right
Imagine being on line for the bathroom when that happened
I took that as my cue to take the Kid home
After getting herself and I ready for bed
I myself climbed into bed
And turned on the game
Happy to see that the Niners have gotten back in the game

I don't care overall who wins
I like the 49's because I had a crush on Joe Montano when I was kid
The Ravens are a good team too
I would rather watch a game where it was a close call
Sit on the edge of your seat
Holding your breath
Kind of game
Then a beat down
 So to whomever wins
Now please pass the antacids

Friday, February 1, 2013

5 Things you don't know about me

5 Things you don't know about me

I'm linking up to

I don't have an Instagram
 So getting tagged  would be impossible
I know WHAT?!?!
An artsy pic taken after getting my eye make up done before a pirate party Argh!

I have no idea what I'm doing blogging
But I do know I enjoy 
Reading them
So as I find my voice
Bear with me
 One day
My blog might be 
(or at least better)

My friends 
Always come to me and vent
Or ask for advice
I do my best to help them out
I cant seem to do the same
I feel like they have enough going on 
Why dump my issues on them

I have never met my father
I know a few things
Like his name
That he is from Denmark
and was a Danish Sailor
It would be nice to know what he looks like now
But mainly  I want him to know
That I don't blame him for his choices
He did what he thought was right

I spent a year of my life 
In foster care
That family will always be part of  me
I still stay in touch
And consider them part of my family

I like to just go to a movie
By myself
Me and my popcorn or twizzlers
If I could have the whole theater to myself
That would be even better

I had fun with this post. Need to link up more often.