Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday YUP!

I have been doing the whole letter thing on Fridays
This Friday is going to be different 
Because of a few things
I have off for Good Friday 
 I have a sick Kid
She says she feels fine
Her face says something completely different
I think I might be getting it too though
So today for the most part has consisted of
Coffee with a friend
Errands for some cold meds
A bit of cleaning
Wii playing for the Kid

I am sure I could have made this into a letter post
I just did not have the brain power to be creative
So sad but true

Gonna go eat my sweet and sour soup 
And hopefully get ourselves better 
So we can spend sometime with the Family  on Sunday

I hope this weekend treats all of you well 
Enjoy your Easter Sunday if you celebrate

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Off track and Impatient

My mind is all over the place
The weather has not been my friend
I yearn for spring
Or a least a day or two of weather that makes me smile
Allows me to awake early and sit on my front steps 
Drinking my coffee slowly 
Enjoying the silence that is in my neighborhood

The snow is almost gone
This time for good I hope

The Kid 
Oh I feel for her
She just had her final appointment with her Orthopedist
It was a good to know we were done
Only to find out 
We need to start seeing a new one
For a new reason
Showed she has scoliosis
This is the curve in her dorsal spine,she also has one in her lumbar spine
Oh and can I say
Finding a Doctor who deals with spines in a child
Who also takes my insurance
Not an easy task

I don't know much about scoliosis
I am not going to do a whole lot of Internet investigating either
Last time I did that
I had a panic attack 
In the parking lot of Barnes & Noble
 I am just going to wait till our appointment 
2 weeks from today

The Kid is nervous
She is hoping that she can continue doing the sports she likes
 I hope for that too

So to waiting and passing time 
For spring flowers and good news
All around

Friday, March 22, 2013

Give me an F...

I have been a bit MIA 
So I apologize to those of you who read
When things are quiet on the home front
I don't seem to know what to write about
So instead of just putting something out there just cause
I do nothing
Which I do not think is good either
I will try to do more or at least participate more
Create things like this post
 I feel that it gives me a starting point

The Kid had her first outside lacrosse practice
This past Sunday
It was a beautiful sunny day
It was cold and windy
I'd say about 35 degrees
So after 2 hours even with running around
All those girls were frozen
I am sure I might have been too
That is if I had stayed
Her next outside practice who knows
Now that we have snow covered grounds again
Who is that masked child?
Road Trip
I have been itching to take a trip
Not a full on vacation
More of a day/overnight trip
I have a couple of ideas
I want to wait till it is a bit warmer
I am thinking Mystic,CT
I haven't been there since I was my daughter's age
So I think it would be a fun little road trip
For us to take together

I need/want to go
Really soon
It is a good thing I do not live closer to one
I think it would be like having a Target in town
In other words
No good for my wallet

Basketball season for the Kid is now done
It was a great season
Only 2 losses
I enjoy watching the games
I kind of even understand all the rules now 
The part I love the most 
The fact that my Kid has tons of fun

The 2012-13 Biddy Ball Team
Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake
Both of you amused me this week
Thanks for the smiles

Yet again
My Kid is getting X-rays
The Pediatrician we see does not like ordering them
With her recent medical history 
Now he doesn't resist ordering them

The news we receive after them not always the best
This story is still developing

   I got this posted before Saturday at least :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Punxsutawney Phil, I think you have some explaining to do!

Winter showed itself in my neck of the woods again
It is not cool 
Tomorrow is the first day of Spring
Instead of looking out my window and seeing spring flowers
I am looking at snow
Mother Nature what is the deal

I need some bright blue skies 
Fresh flowers and green grass
Temperatures above 50
Heck I will even deal with the hay fever 
Just no more cold and snow 


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Friday,Friday,Friday OHH wait it is Sunday

Better late than never
Kid finally had her follow up doctors visit
Regarding her bilateral hip surgery from almost a year ago 
It doesn't even seem like it has been that long
It all happened so fast
I happily cross this off our list of to do things
The Doctor says everything  looks great 
No more visits needed

One more work week under my belt
It has been an odd one
Between people and weather
Not sure what the issue was
I am just going to blame it on the time change
I am raring to go head first into this weekend
Get to hang out with a friend I have not seen in awhile
So dinner and drinks it is 
Very excited 

Ice Cream
I had promised  an ice cream date 
To my favorite 7 year old friend Nicholas
It was part of my belated Birthday gift to him
Of course the day we finally decide on
It is freezing out
It was worth it though

Luv this little dude
I have a pile of laundry  or I should say piles
I am not proud
I kept putting it off this week
And now I must face the mess
That I created
It is not the cleaning that get to me
All the folding and putting away 
That is the real chore I dread

I have been admiring a few camera bag inserts online
Not sure what one to get
They all look pretty much the same
I want to make sure I get the proper one
One that will also work for me
Any of you out there have a particular one out there you like

There seems to be a stomach virus
Rearing its ugly head around these parts
The Kid was not feeling great
Stomach was really bothering her
She ended up getting sick
But then seemed better
That was until Monday evening
It was basketball nigt
She warned her coach she was feeling to great
We both told her she was fine
She played hard
Mid way the final quarter 
She waved her coach down and asked to be taken out of the game
She looked kinda wiped
So off to the side lines she went
    That was when the yacking began
The coach and I shared a glanced and both said maybe next we will listen to her
She is better now
Thankfully it did not ruin the game for the other kids either

So Friday got away from me
This post was ready to go and I forgot to to do just that
Now it is Sunday  
And I am getting my next post ready
Whoops ...  


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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My moment

I am going to take a moment
So please bear with me
I am a novice to this blogging world

I have read a few blogs
That have been almost condescending in the tone
I get that this is the blogger's way of maybe giving advice
To others who have decided to blog
If I decide to use ALL CAPS
or an abundance of !!!!!!!
Or none at all
I believe that is my choice
It is my blog

Do I want people to view my blog
Do I want to hear feed back
What I don't need is a blogger trashing other bloggers
Because they don't meet their standards

I know some of you out there make money with your blogs
I don't
Maybe one day
Right now I am just feeling my way through this blogging community
I am looking for my voice and my style
So it may take a bit
So with commas or without
 Or misused words
I make no apologies
Just like I don't expect  you to make any in regards to your blog

Happy blogging to all! 

A big thanks to all those who have had words of encouragement for me

Friday, March 8, 2013

I'd like to buy a vowel

So after a little bit of a spending spree
I'm getting back into frugal mode.
Menu planning,coupon cutting,bill slashing ,
Are all on my agenda 
To tackle this weekend.

Saturday a good portion of the day is reserved for the Kid.
She is participating in another Chess Tournament.
It's a very long day,boring day for me.
The Kid enjoys it.
These are her memories to make.
I tend to kill the time with above mentioned menu planning for next week.
This year I have my new camera to play with,
Something I can look forward to do.

Information overload with my new camera.
I figured though,
If I was willing to plunk down that chunk of change,
I might as well figure out the correct ways to use it.
Step up my picture taking skills.
Lots and lots of stuff to think about.

Downton Abbey
I have a whole season to catch up on.
I can hardly wait to get the chance to escape into that world.
Remembering a time where I made sure to be home to watch my shows,
Not so much anymore.
I enjoy being able to watch it when I want.
Only downfall,
Avoiding spoilers.
It is a risk I will take though to watch back to back episodes.
This has been an on going discussion in our home.
I never received one.
My mom thinks I should give my Kid one.
How is that for irony.
I  think paying a child do keep their room clean is a joke.
They should just keep it clean.
If the Kid took it upon herself to do something
Like weed/clean out the car etc
I might throw her a couple of $$
However, just to give her money for taking care of normal household things seems silly to me.
What are your thoughts? 

I read an excerpt of an article online this morning.
It was an article about Jennifer Lawrence talking about how middle school was hard for her,and
How she had trouble with some of the girls.
How sad is it that movie called Mean Girls ..
Is so darn true!
As a parent now of a middle school age girl,
 I completely understand what Jennifer Lawrence said in the article.
I might not have said it the same way to my Kid but,YUP! it is so true!
(sorry if the language offends)

 "Don't worry about the bitches. That could be a good motto, because you come across people like that throughout your life."

I like that Jennifer Lawrence more and more!

Have  a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

School projects...yuck!

School projects
Oh how I loathe you
Mind you 
It is not my project but the Kid's
Of course

It is due on Wednesday
Tuesday evening guess what was still being worked on

Maybe my issue 
Is that I was such an over achiever in the project department
I always made sure my projects were great
Especially if I knew I could bump my grade up 

The Kid does not seem to think along these lines
Her project seems all over the place to me
No organization
Of thoughts or ideas
I just want to jump in
 I can not 
It is her project 
I feel she needs to figure it out

It was along night
She was up later then she usually is
Which made her a bit loopy
A tad bit crazy eyed

We survived
And most of all
She finished her project
She was happy with it
Now to see what the teacher thought

Overall I am happy with her project
What do you think?
Do you think sometimes teachers don't give enough information on what they are expecting?

Monday, March 4, 2013

One click at a time

Finished moving my mom
With a hired helper 
That would be my friend's son
Figured he would like the gas money
Being such a great kid he didn't want to take the money
I insisted
I was super grateful for the move to be done

Then got cleaning on the brain
I needed some new supplies
So off I went to the store
Splurged on a 2 new mops
A new bucket and a couple of new spray bottles
Trying to get away from the chemical stuff
Especially for cleaning my kitchen
So I picked up a bottle of cleaning vinegar 
Wish that I had jumped on this band wagon alot sooner
Things honestly seem so much cleaner to me

 I also made this tasty cucumber salad
I wanted to eat it the minute it was done
I have a feeling  I will be making a lot of this
Best part of my weekend
Picking up my new camera
Taking the above picture with it
So happy that I treated myself to this gift

This little beauty is going to be taking up a lot of my free timeTook it to my daughter's basketball game
Snapped pictures the whole time while cheering them on

So I apologize in advance if I flood your screen with pictures
 I am off to go read and study up more on my new toy