Thursday, January 26, 2012


Blah, I have had no energy at all this week,seriously ,ZERO! It;s only Thursday and I've managed to oversleep 3x already. So needless to getting myself and my 10yr old out the door by 6:45 am has been a little stressful.

The lack of energy has also made my home into disarray. I was really considering just throwing it all into a trash bag yesterday and starting fresh.Why didn't I?,sadly I know somewhere in that growing pile on my table there is something important. I have already tossed out a t Net Flix  in a cleaning rage (at least this is what I think happened). I try not to be so quick to scoop and toss anymore.

Monday evenings are a bit busy in our household. Besides it being the beginning of a work/school week my Kid has her Biddy Basketball game.While the girls in her age group range from 9-13 ,let me just say they play with some spunk!. I don't know much about basketball but I find myself cheering  those girls on like they are playing in the NBA.

Tuesday, was a complete loss after work. I was so tired that I could barely get dinner made. Thank god i had planned the meal ahead and everything was good to go. I fear if it had not been preplanned the kid would have enjoyed a nice bowl of cereal. She wouldn't of cared but I think I would have felt horribly guilty.

Wednesday, I psyched myself up to tackle the kitchen (since I had to be in there anyway to make dinner) I did any dishes,wiped down all surfaces, I even did the floor. I was very proud of myself for not allowing the laziness take over and I accomplished something other than yawning.

We shall see what the rest of the week brings my way .Some decent sleep and a little energy would be GREAT!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snowy day goal

Today we had a little snow storm. I say little because in October we had a weird snow storm that dumped a decent amount of snow (for October that is),today's was just enough to give you an excuse to sleep in and get to some stuff around the house. 

So I rolled out of bed around 930am ,which felt great! Went down to the kitchen made myself a cup of coffee and sat down to debate what to do with my day. I had read this blog and thought I can do this! My plan changing it up a bit to get rid of 50 things in each room of my house.Mention this to my mom in a phone call and she started her own little purging.I secretly think she is trying to beat me to 50 first,game on!  While I have made quite the mess in parts of my house I did make a decent pile of stuff that will be leaving my home. Whether or not I it will be 50 things in each room I don't know, but I'm happy with the dent I have made. 

The best part of the day of purging was looking out the window to see the Kid having some fun in the white stuff.She gave me an excuse to take a break and make her something warm to drink.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Check mate

     Well after a a couple of weeks of ups and downs I hope to post a bit more frequently. I have not figured out exactly what my main theme will be on this blog. I read so many of them as of late all the ideas just keep making onto my list, lol.
     My job has been a very strange mix of emotions. We had some layoffs which are never fun especially when you have no idea if your job is safe. I had to say goodbye to some people I really liked.We were told to do our best to cut cost where we think we can and that we all need to work towards a common goal. My goal of  not to be unemployed is probably not the same as managements. I just need to go to work and hope for the best and start preparing for the worst.
    Another sad point is that a couple of friends have decided to end their marriage. I am sorry to hear this but glad that they both are able to talk and joke around still. Socially, I just don't know how this will all work out. I adore them both but talk to one more often. I don't want anyone to think I am choosing a side in their decision to part. Anyone else out there going through or has been in the same situation?
     On the up side in my life,I took Monday off so that I could take my Kid to participate in a chess tournament. It was a very long day that started on one of our coldest mornings yet this winter,upside I got to sleep in. The day started at 9am and ended just before 5pm.Who knew 5 games of chess could take so long?!

My little Chess Champ

Sunday, January 8, 2012

At least I have dinner done

     The weekend started off with a beautiful sunset on Friday. The Kid and I took a moment and sat in a parking lot enjoying the view.

      Oh how I wish I had been just a tad bit more productive during the day Saturday, but laziness crept in and took control. Sadly, because of that I'm paying for it with a not so relaxing Sunday evening filled with laundry and dishes. Note to future self, just get it done Saturday! The only bit of excitement for today was throwing together a crock pot stew. I hope it turns out as well as it smells right now. At least I can say dinner is done for Monday.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Little ears big hearts

So last night I had to deal with my neighbors fighting (again).I say fighting because there comes a point where it is no longer 2 people debating back and forth but full on scream fest. Honestly I have learned to tune them out for the most part,just another reality of apt living. However when you hear a child crying cause they are hearing the same anger I kinda lose my cool.

Your child is a sponge.Their absorbing all the good and bad around them. So PLEASE watch what you say and do,your shaping their little world.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Oh by the way Hi!

I'm new to the idea of blogging. I just started reading a bunch of you out there and have enjoyed all that you have shared, from the personal to the decorating ideas, recipes etc. I have a dozen project ideas waiting to be tackled thanks to so many of you out in the Blogger world.

So I guess I should just say Hi ,nice to meet you hope that one day I inspire some of you out there as you have me.

Meet our Cat Sulley

I need to work on preparing better lunches to bring to work

Monday, January 2, 2012

Enjoying my last day off before I head back to work. I would like to say that I accomplished all the things that I needed to do before today,but I sadly did not. I did get Christmas and all its trimmings tucked safely away. I dislike the chore of dismantling all of it,I end up feeling like the Grinch collecting all the goodies in Whoville.I will miss the twinkling lights of the tree as I sit and cut coupons in the evening but I think I found a way to handle that.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Same thing whatever...Not this year my friends!

Hello 2012. I greeted you a minute late but in the company of someone who has been a constant. Constant cause of calm and chaos, but I don't think I would have it any other way. My hopes for this year are many. Will this year be the same thing whatever it has been for the last few years, not if I can help it. I need to strive to be the best that I can be not just for me but for my beautiful Kid.

My plans are the usually sort of New Year's resolutions. Eat better,lose weight.Make a bit more money,spend more wisely,save money. Be happy, make others  happy, be loved the way I love.  

I have some incredible ideas brewing in my little head . I think that this is the time I start working towards making them happen.

The most important thing I want to do this year are to make some wonderful memories with my Kid. I could buy her a million things but the moments that we share together good or bad are the things she will hold onto forever.

The Kid and I in our last photo of 2011