Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My moment

I am going to take a moment
So please bear with me
I am a novice to this blogging world

I have read a few blogs
That have been almost condescending in the tone
I get that this is the blogger's way of maybe giving advice
To others who have decided to blog
If I decide to use ALL CAPS
or an abundance of !!!!!!!
Or none at all
I believe that is my choice
It is my blog

Do I want people to view my blog
Do I want to hear feed back
What I don't need is a blogger trashing other bloggers
Because they don't meet their standards

I know some of you out there make money with your blogs
I don't
Maybe one day
Right now I am just feeling my way through this blogging community
I am looking for my voice and my style
So it may take a bit
So with commas or without
 Or misused words
I make no apologies
Just like I don't expect  you to make any in regards to your blog

Happy blogging to all! 

A big thanks to all those who have had words of encouragement for me


  1. Blogging is having your own voice and its very personal and unique. No one can tell you how it should be or how it ought to be. It is yours, to make mistakes and learn from them, to cheerish little milestones, to thrive sharing a little piece of you online. It's very personal and I respect each and every blogger who puts a little piece of himeself/herself out there in this ruthless cyberspace.

  2. Sorry you have encountered some not-very-nice bloggers. We all have the freedom to create our blogs as we wish. Don't be discouraged by others. :)

  3. I totally agree with "fun a day". don't get discouraged! I am always careful with who I choose to follow because of that reason.
    I like your blog a lot, keep it up!

  4. Thank all for the nice words. I do agree there are more great people out in the blogger world than the over critical ones. I am happy that I have found all of your blogs to read and enjoy and even learn a thing or two from.
