While having the internet is a wonderful thing, sometimes having so much information at just a click away can lead to a whole lot of over thinking. I have been doing my best not to look up things or trying to look a legit hospital websites.
1045 Monday morning off to the Orthopedic Doctor to find out the plan of action. After some more x-rays and some more blood work as of right now we only need to do the left hip.If the blood works come back showing any issues with her thyroid both hips will be done as preventative. The verdict is surgery Friday either way where they will put a screw in her hip to hold it in place.
The Kid is handling it all really well. She thinks it will be cool that she will have a piece of metal in her hip. The only thing that has had her in tears is that she will be missing school.Hope that is the only thing that causes her tears but we shall see. Me, I'm better now that we have a plan,however ask me that Friday can't say I will feel the same way.
ooh I hope that she will be alright! Glad you have a plan!