Monday, June 3, 2013

Middle schoolers,bus trip,Lincoln Center ..Oh my

I chaperoned a field trip
Last Thursday
2 busloads
Of middle school aged children
I even paid to go
I think any time
Middle school hormones are involved
The parents should be given a voucher for drinks afterwards
(along with the teachers)

The trip was my Kid’s
Band Culture trip
They try to pick something different each year

This trip was to see a performance
At the beautiful
Lincoln Center
Avery Hall to be exact

We were there to see/listen
To NY Philharmonic
Featuring a performance of Wynton Marsalis's
Swing Symphony (Symphony No.3)
It was a wonderful performance
A plus to be able to hear Wynton Marsalis play as well
It was a quick trip
A great one

A few of my favorite pictures
I took during the trip

1 comment:

  1. I support the vouchers for drinks idea too! Fun photos. :)
