I have been running
Not literally
Life has had me going
In many different directions
The end of the school year
Seems to be super busy
Between tests,field trips,concerts,awards ceremonies
The Kid and I
Are busy
The LAX season ended
On a wet note
Our last game was canceled
Due to a flooded field
The heavy rains made it so we had no true ending
It just ended
Kinda a bummer
The Kid loved playing LAX
And even with all the traveling
I can't wait to let her do it again next year
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The last game we got in.It was about 92 degrees out and the cicadas were deafening | . |
The Kid made it
Through her first year of Middle school
Thank god!
I won't say it didn't have ups and downs
In the end the we left 6th grade with smiles
Proud of my girl
She made
High Honors
For the entire school year
The Kid
Also turned 12
During all the craziness of the end of the year
I felt like I failed as a mom
I didn't plan anything for her birthday really
Not for lack of trying
I started asking her in May
What she wanted to do
She kept saying nothing
All she wanted
Was to spend time with the people she loved
So in the end that is what we did
No big party
No gifts really exchanged
Just some time with family
And an ice cream cake
It was a great day
With smiles like this
I think the Kid was happy with her choice
So it is now the end of June
All ready
Summer is in full swing
Our schedule is filling up
With fun things
So much lazy afternoons
Summer Sizzle Basket season is set to begin
Practices have been going on for about a month
What I love about this is I don't have to drive anywhere
The Kid can walk to practice and the games
For my wallet
I also in the midst of planing a trip to DC
With my mother the Kid and myself
I have never been
So if anyone has some suggestions let me know
The Kid and I
Also have a concert date
Quickly approaching
Big Time Rush
We saw them last year with a group of friends
But this time around she wanted it to be just us
I'm going to enjoy this moment
Because I know soon enough
Going to a concert with your mom
Will not be the "cool" thing to do
I know I rambled a bit
That is my life at the moment
Rambling around
Living life
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer now that it has begun!