Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Woke up this morning 
To snow covering everything
While yes it looks pretty
It is a pain in the ass
When you need to be at work 
At 7am

The Kid 
Got a snow day 
Oh how I miss those
I would be happy with a delay

It was nice
Being able to say 
"No,don't get up.You get to stay home"
And seeing a groggy smile
"A snow miracle"
Was her reply
I love her

I pinned it
And actually made it
Spinach Lasagna Roll Ups
Was happy with the results
Definitely something I will make again

I've decided
 To make Sundays
My Pin  It and attempt it day
If I can waste hours of time Pinning away
I can spend a few hours
Actually trying them out.
Stay tuned for those results

Almost done
Reading a book
I got as a Christmas present
It is a True Crime book called

It amazes me that this is a true story
One I have not heard of before
My downfall with it
(it is a really lame one)
No pictures
It is one thing when reading fiction
To imagine
What the characters look like
This is a TRUE story
And I want to see the real people
In the end
I Googled
And got a peek

 Hope your mid week is going well



1 comment:

  1. Oh how I miss snow days!!!! Snow is so beautiful!! (But you're right it's a pain when you have to be at work early!!!) Those spinach lasagna roles look amazing!!! I would love that recipe!!!

    Have a wonderful day!

