Thursday, October 25, 2012

And then BAM ,reality check!

Originally this post was going to be about bullying. I have a daughter who is in her first year of middle school and only 5 weeks in and the girl drama has already begun.

To say I am not prepared is an understatement.

However, with just being informed that a friend has pancreatic cancer most of the other thoughts in my head are gone.

All I can muster up right now is. LET IT GO little girls. The name calling the back biting, who is prettier or has better clothes etc, LET IT GO.

You look at your lives as having so much ahead of you and you do but, cancer does not care who or how old you are. Cancer does not care if you are popular or unpopular or what brand of jeans you wear.

Cherish the moments of good in your lives.
Walk away from the drama.
Words can hurt so choose them wisely.

Don’t let the bad stuff fester stealing your joy.
There are enough things in life that we can not control.
So stand tall be happy with who you are becoming and who you are.

Be the friend you want in life.
Surround yourself with people who will build you up not tear you down.

Mainly just LET IT GO.

Let the mean, bad, sad times go.
Embrace the happiness and pay it forward.

I am not a religious person but for this amazing friend I am praying for her and her family. They have been given some unbearably bad news and anything I can do to ease any pain they are feeling I will do!

If you haven’t told someone you love them or how important they are to you in awhile, stop what you are doing and contact them now. Don’t wait for a better time because there might not be one.

Rori ----------<3

Monday, October 1, 2012

Three Hours of Indulgence

So I have officially been sick for over a week now.
I even went hope sick from work one of those days
which is rare for me.
 The only thing I had to look forward to 
when I was not passed out
was the start to the new fall season of television.

I will have to say that Thursday evenings might be the one night a week
where I will not be available to anyone
from 8pm-11pm.
Three hours of t.v not the best  habit but ...

How can you argue with a girl?
Especially when the first hour the most scrumptious 
is gracing my television screen again in, Last Resort.
If you watched Felicity,
you know Scott.
Love that face,such a cutey.
And ABC is obviously not lost on this fact 
Their ad for Last Resort states:
4 Words
Scott Speedman in uniform
Even though I'd rather see him out of uniform *wink wink*

Then the second hour begins with my beloved Grey's Anatomy. 
Even though I think you are losing your steam
I still love watching you.

**Spoiler Alert**

It was bad enough to end the season crying
but to start the new season off the same way
Not fair!
Plus you made me say good-bye 
to another character that I have grown to love.

You will be missed McSteamy

To finish off my last hour of t.v indulgence
I get to hang out with
Olivia Pope and her gang of michiefs n

This show made its debut mid season last season
If you have yet to discover it 
I urge you 
go catch yourself up

I  know it  is only Monday 
but can you tell 
I am all ready counting down the days till

What new/old shows are you excited about?