I officially have some love for the boys of BTR(Big Time Rush). They put on a hell of a show for their fans! My Kid had a great time and was literally glazed over with her adoration of BTR member Kendell.She even stated she will be his girlfriend, I told her maybe in 10 years.
We had great weather and wonderful lawn seats with great views of the stage.All the kids smiled from ear to ear,singing and dancing the night away.
The only low point of the night sadly came from an adult. This lady thought she had the right to throw food at the children in front of her because they were blocking their view. My friend's daughter was literally crying because of this lady.
This lady (to be nice) learned very quickly that NO ONE messes with the children especially when it comes to mine or my friends.
Some words were definitely exchanged!
In the end the Kids and their parents literally stood their ground in front of this lady and danced the night away!
I have a strong opinion when it comes to this situation, obviously! However, when you buy lawn seats you deal with people standing and dancing in front of you! Even if this lady had had pavilion seating ,guess what? the people in there would be standing as well.
If this lady had looked at the sight their is lawn seating that is called "family friendly". That doesn't allow smoking/cursing/ or standing.
She could have moved her attitude and her CHILDISH behavior over to that part of the lawn.
I will say our Kids let the actions of this person slide off them and they simple enjoyed the show !
They also learned that their moms will fight the fight when needed.
The Kid's future BF ,according to her |
Hope everyone else had a entertaining Tuesday as well!